Monday, August 9, 2010

Honey Bees Help Health Problems

In this blog I will be talking about the benefits of Honey.
I found this really cool site about honey bees. I didn't realize honey bees were so helpful for your health.
My friends and family that have had cancer and been given chemotherapy say that the hardest part of it is the side effects.
This bees honey is the only one available that has had a clinical study done to determine the effectiveness in decreasing the side effects of chemotherapy. It also showed to be effective in decreasing the incidence of anemia.
Your immune system is the first line of defense in maintaining health, preventing illness and getting you up and going after an operation or serious illness. Healthy immune systems become more resistance to colds, flu, allergies and disease.
These honey bees are really unique. These bees are fed therapeutic herbs and natural extracts to substitute pollen. Therefore these honey bees produce a new type of honey with therapeutic properties. These bees are pampered by being hand fed, so they can make the best honey available to keep us healthy.
You can eat this honey without side effects and also it can be taken with any other medication you may be taking. However, people that are sensitive to bees or honey are advised to avoid its use.
Do you know that honey bees honey, has been used in ancient history to soothe sore throats, heal wounds and treat stomach complaints???
I was very excited about this site, and the best part is it tastes really good. I use honey in my tea and on my toast or English muffins. It's really great.

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